The leaflet speaks purely functionally. The cover is purely descriptive as the brief put emphasis on the design of the instructions.
A small format was selected to allow neat storage alongside sewing equipment. Illustration focuses on only the object and not the sewer; the inclusion of hands doing the sewing was deemed unnecessary and too demanding of the graphic area in communicating the core process. Text is placed inside the illustrations to maximise their size and visibility.
First the steps of the task were clarified, considered, and condensed with the phrasing made as simple and concise as possible to make the completion of the task as quick as possible. After this, each step was considered visually; the best graphic representations were hunted down. The results were tested on potential users to ensure ease of understanding.
The leaflet partially unfolded.
The leaflet fully unfolded, ready for use. Instructions continue on the reverse to save paper.
Close-up of instruction 2: Fold the stack in half.